A note after the conversation with Mr.Dao

Two weeks ago, I joined a wedding party of Mr. Thai – a teammate of mine. At the restaurant, I have opportunities to meet many talent former PRDCV engineers, especially Mr.Dao. He is a 31-year-old Ph.D in image processing, just came back to Vietnam from Korea. To talk and to hear what he shared during the party, I was impressed by his working experience and views on IT jobs. That is the reason why I made a short talk to my teammates two days later, and now I writing about those key points.

#1. Next year is the year of new BOD (Boss of Department)

The current BOD has led PRDCV for almost 3 years. So next year we will have a new BOD. As Mr.Dao’s analysis, new BOD would relate to the current BOD in some ways (former colleagues, former boss and vice-boss in other P’s child-company), or at least they would share the managing experience. In order to get the fame, new BOD would take some cruel actions – such as degrading some engineers and more important - managers even if they make small mistakes – following what the current boss did 3 years ago. Last time, Mr.Dao was forced to say sorry in BOD’s room because he sat impolitely in the office during working hours. His survival advice, “as soft as possible” – do what the boss says until he get bored on you.

#2. 40 years old Vnese software engineers

VN has been recognized as an outsourcing country in many fields including IT. Nevertheless, most of IT responsibility is fixing the bugs for the local markets – the last step of a project life cycle which provides limited knowledge for IT engineers. It is rare for a VN company to build a big IT project from the very first steps until it launchs the market. Do you have 10 years experience or just 1 year repeated 10 times. Therefore, what makes the differences between a senior engineer and a fresh engineer? You have to work harder in order to get experience to give the company the reasons why they must keep paying you high salary instead of hiring a fresher for less. That’s a critical point.

#3. The hot topic in the near future

Nowadays, we can easily see the phrase “4.0 industrial revolution” on medias. Maybe it is not the first time you heard about such hot trends as AI (Artificial Intelligence), Big data, Machine learning, and so on. Actually, those subjects has been developed by foreign scientists for several decades. However, they can only be built on powerful computers because they requires extremely complicated computings. Based on this fact, Mr.Dao predicted that they will be widely implemented on small and mobile devices such as smart phones somedays. Such a brilliant opinion.
Let’s post it here and remember to give the comments when those days come.


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