Android: The randomizer app is now published on Playstore

It has been one year since the first time I created this blog. Let's cheer a little.

From the last month, I mainly posted on another personal site pyimlife.wordpress. There are two critical reasons for this move: the first reason is I can login my wordpress account and write new posts using my computer at work (without signing in gmail account). The second reason is that it is easier to manage my posts into categories with wordpress settings which is quite hard to handle with blogspot settings. Anyway, I will update necessary information on this blog also.

What is news on pyimlife.wordpress?
Besides my personal notes on daily life events and travels, I start writing about Computer Programming (Android and C/C++). It consists of small tutorials and also algorithm which helps me memorize the knowledge better.

Last but not least, I am happy to say that my new application (Ngau nhien - Randomizer) has been published on Google Playstore. If you are using an Android devices (smartphones, tablets, etc.), please give it a try.
Like its name, it is a small app generating results randomly (numbers, dices). It can even suggest the lucky numbers when you are chosing the Vietlott.
Ngau nhien - Randomizer app

Have a nice day!


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