It’s the Weekend! And I am still working.

Despite today is Saturday, I am still doing my job at the company like a normal weekday. It is one of our company’s labor rules that the last Saturday of every month is working day. Taking free time, I do some searches on the Internet and summary the figures and various opinions about working on the weekend.

Need to take some fresh air over a breath-taking view~

First, I am going to demonstrate some statistics of the estimated numbers of people have to spend their weekends on businesses. An article on surveyed 1000 Americans and found that approximately 70% worked at least one weekend a month, with 63% saying that their employers expected them to put in time on average Saturday and Sunday. What a number. However, it does not surprise me at all. From my experience, when I was a Samsung engineer, I myself had to work on two Saturdays a month, same number in Viettel’s offer letter. Now, LG requires me to be at the company one Saturday a month. Generally, we are living in the world which working on the weekend is the normal.

“Work isn’t separate from life. It is part of life, and weekends are part of life too.”
The supportive articles state that working on the weekends is actually the key to managing work and life together. Many successful people worked on days starting with “S”. For example, Elon Musk, who is the founder, CEO of several big companies including Tesla (automotive), SpaceX(aerospace), and The Boring Company (construction), works 100 hours a week. People who achieve great success often love what they do for a living. They usually does not feel like work but lots of fun. Weekends bring a great opportunity to spend time brainstorming, do creative work, read for work, and come up with new ideas.
Picking one day instead of both to work, so that there’s at least one day off. For example, choosing Saturday gives you the time to do whatever you want to free your Saturday night and Sunday. That specific part of the weekend will not be wasted in a long morning sleep, and allows you to finish your works.   

On the opposite view, some articles say that everybody’s working on the weekend is a bad thing. When weekend work gets built into a culture, it’s generally because of someone isn’t managing workloads properly. A lot of weekend work is unnecessary. I myself spend most of Saturday morning out of work to compose this blog topic. On this day, our teams at LG prefer to organize some sort of knowledge-sharing seminars such as how to learn python, what is blockchain, or even how to learn English for time-consuming purpose.
Moreover, there is a huge difference between working on the weekends to achieve your passions and working on the weekends because your boss expects you in the office on “days-off”. Someone has to go to work with the second reason never ready to make that a productive day.

From my point of view, I hate spending some time over weekend on work-related activites. After long weekdays of getting up early, driving to company during rush hours in traffic jams, working hard and studying diligently, I definitely need to make time to recharge. Weekends is a good time for hanging out with couple of friends, trying to eat something new, or just sleeping longer. It also time to prepare for the week ahead and make sure Monday started well. TGIS J



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