
Showing posts from October, 2017

It’s the Weekend! And I am still working.

Despite today is Saturday, I am still doing my job at the company like a normal weekday. It is one of our company’s labor rules that the last Saturday of every month is working day. Taking free time, I do some searches on the Internet and summary the figures and various opinions about working on the weekend. Need to take some fresh air over a breath-taking view~ First, I am going to demonstrate some statistics of the estimated numbers of people have to spend their weekends on businesses. An article on surveyed 1000 Americans and found that approximately 70% worked at least one weekend a month, with 63% saying that their employers expected them to put in time on average Saturday and Sunday. What a number. However, it does not surprise me at all. From my experience, when I was a Samsung engineer, I myself had to work on two Saturdays a month, same number in Viettel’s offer letter. Now, LG requires me to be at the company one Saturday a month. Generally, we are ...

The first trip to HCM city

This topic is about my first trip to HCM (a.k.a. Sai Gon), which is the biggest city of Vietnam. Last year, me and couple of my best friends had a good opportunity to visit SG together. You know, after graduation, we scattered all over the country to pursuit our dreaming lives. Some went back to our hometown – Vinh city, some bravely challenged themselves at far-away Southern cities or even foreign countries. I myself chose to stay at Hanoi capital where I have been living since 2009. So, one occasion for us gathering together for a SG trip was outstanding chance that I accepted without a hesitance. HCM is located in the Southern of Vietnam, which is two-hour flight from Hanoi. It has accquired reputations for its gentle people and active living rhythm. In economy side, statistics show that HCM contributes most of Vietnam’s revenue, surpasses both Hanoi and Danang. And HCM did not disappoint me as well as my friends at all. We tried the morning coffee, bought some lotteries fr...