It’s the Weekend! And I am still working.

Despite today is Saturday, I am still doing my job at the company like a normal weekday. It is one of our company’s labor rules that the last Saturday of every month is working day. Taking free time, I do some searches on the Internet and summary the figures and various opinions about working on the weekend. Need to take some fresh air over a breath-taking view~ First, I am going to demonstrate some statistics of the estimated numbers of people have to spend their weekends on businesses. An article on surveyed 1000 Americans and found that approximately 70% worked at least one weekend a month, with 63% saying that their employers expected them to put in time on average Saturday and Sunday. What a number. However, it does not surprise me at all. From my experience, when I was a Samsung engineer, I myself had to work on two Saturdays a month, same number in Viettel’s offer letter. Now, LG requires me to be at the company one Saturday a month. Generally, we are ...